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April 06, 2021

Machining and Manufacturing

Machining is the process of taking raw materials and using a milling machine or a lathe machine to turn that material into a product. The difference between a milling machine and lathe machine, is the setup of the spindle. A mill has a spindle that comes down from above the material and a lathe's spindle comes to the material from the side. 

CNC stands for computer numeric control. A CNC machine is when the operator uses a computer to move the machine, rather than manual movements. This technique is much faster and is more accurate than manual machines. 

At Premier Technology the majority of parts that are created, come from stainless steel. (300 class up to exotic alloys). Currently Premier's machine shop services the internal needs of Premier Technology's fabrication process, this is valuable to our customer's as it decreases lead time and also costs for projects that require internal machining. 

Premier Technology has an internal machine apprentice program that is currently accepting applications. If you are wanting to become a machinist please apply today.